A great big thank you to Jega http://jegaspassion.blogspot.com/2011/02/i-won-stylish-blogger-award.html#comment-form for the Stylish Blogger Award.
I'm supposed to tell you 8 things about myself.
1. I live near the mountains and love God's beauty that surrounds me, there is no other place on earth that I would rather live.
2. I'm a SAHM and love it, but on the side I'm a substitute teacher.
3. I've crafted off and on most of my life
4. I love to scrapbook but I probably collect more than I actually do.
5. Photography is my passion.
6. I'm beginning to learn to crochet - like I need a new hobby.
7. I dabble in genealogy - another hobby to take up my time.
8. The most important thing in my life is my relationship with God, then my family.
You have been chosen for the Stylish Blogger Award:
Leslie: http://cardmkrleslie.blogspot.com/
Nubian Crafter: http://nubiancrafter.blogspot.com/
Kraftee Kween: http://www.krafteekweens.blogspot.com/
DTs: http://dtsartblog.blogspot.com/
Zenita: http://www.scrappinwithz.blogspot.com/
CeCe: http://cececreates.blogspot.com/
Melanie: http://meflickcricutandmore.blogspot.com/
Michelle: http://michellesdigitalcreations.blogspot.com/
For the winners that I chose here are the instructions to post on your blog:
Save the image to your desktop (to put on your blog and to use when you award your picks)
and then pass this award to 8 other people. On your blog you are to also tell 8 things about yourself.
Oh Thank you so much for the award! GREAT Blog you have here!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the award. I'm sorry I'm just seeing this, life has gotten in the way lately and I've barely been on here. Love your blog!!