One Big Turkey written and illustrated by Anne Vittur
Kennedy is a beautiful board book. It is very colorfully illustrated and is
full of different animals. It is a counting book that goes to the number 10. It
would be a very good book to teach children to count and identify numbers up to
10. It would also be good to help them identify animals and different foods
available during the harvest season. It also introduces Thanksgiving. The
animals although are cartoon type illustrations look very realistic at the same
I would say this gook is geared toward toddlers and even
early readers. It is a very durable board book and great quality. The cover is embellished with foil outlines. It is very bright and colorful and will make a
wonderful addition to any child’s library.
I absolutely love the illustrations and have flipped through several
times just to admire the work. I received this book at no charge from in exchange
for an honest review.